25 Years of Passion for Software Development
Many years of experience in custom software development. Over 45 highly qualified and motivated employees. Quality, creativity and sustainable business - that is trinidat.
Your strong software partner
As an owner-managed medium-sized company based in Düsseldorf, trinidat has grown continuously since its foundation in 1997. Our team now consists of more than 45 employees. Our natural growth is based on healthy structures and sustainable business strategies. Guided by values such as reliability, transparency and respectability, we focus on fair cooperation and true partnership.
The Best Programmers & Designers
The trinidat team is made up of highly professional software developers who work in a variety of specialized areas. They are not lone wolves. Our focus is on team success. Because only the interaction of the different competences ensures excellent quality.
You get exactly the programmers you need to move your project forward, and they will learn your area of expertise in depth. By the way: Our team of developers is based in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area. This means that our developers are close at hand, whether for a face-to-face meeting or a video call – just as you wish.
We are always looking for new talents and experienced software developers. Interested? Check out our career section for more information.
The Management
In May 1997, Christoph Spielmann and Manfred Hoffbauer founded trinidat Software-Entwicklung GmbH. Since then, the founders and managing directors have led the company with their passion for software development, perseverance and expertise.
With us, you always have a competent contact person who will provide you with qualified advice. Every project at trinidat is managed by one of our managing directors.

Manfred Hoffbauer

Christoph Spielmann

Tobias Geisler
trinidat in numbers
25 Years of Software Development
We are not in a hurry; we are growing slowly and healthily, and we have been doing so for 25 years. That’s a long time in the software industry. Tools, techniques and requirements change all the time. We like the dynamics of the IT industry – we are motivated by change because it has made us what we are today.
We work hard and with full commitment on your project and are not satisfied until you are. Our goal is for you to become and remain our satisfied customer. This clear customer focus is reflected in our high percentage of long-term repeat customers.
trinidat celebrates its birthday!
25 years ago Manfred Hoffbauer and Christoph Spielmann founded TriniDat Software-Entwicklung GmbH. What started as a two-man company in the 90s has today developed into a flourishing software specialist with more than 40 employees.
More than 40 employees
With three new additions for software development and project management, the trinidat team cracks the 40-employee mark for the first time.
Reinforcement of the management
Since May 2021, Tobias Geisler has been supporting our customers in digitization projects as the managing director of a younger generation.
Digitalisierung@HomeMost of our employees work primarily at home. Amazing: Thanks to video telephony, we gain new customers, new projects and even new employees. The need for digitization in the SME sector is growing and we continue to be there for our customers. In the interest of everyone and especially of the individuals, companies and institutions severely affected by the pandemic, we wish for an improvement of the situation as soon as possible.
We rent an additional office floor
Wir mieten eine zusätzliche BüroetageTriniDat Software-Entwicklung GmbH continues to expand and needs more space. Just at the right time the 3rd floor at our location in Benrather Straße 7 becomes free and we rent this floor additionally.
First standard product is available
First standard product is availableOur first standard product – digital time recording – is available. Due to its modular design, it can be individually adapted to the requirements of each customer.
First CMS goes online
Erstes CMS geht onlineAt https://www.filmdienst.de, the first content management system developed by TriniDat goes online with features individually adapted to the editorial team.
Improved processes
Improved processesA new employee is mainly responsible for creating realization concepts. This enables us to implement the requirements of our customers more quickly.
Second seat
Second seatThe strong growth requires space, additional office space is rented in Flinger Str. 7.
MoveIn mid-2014, the company will move into new offices at Benrather Str. 7 in the heart of Düsseldorf.
Sales > 1.5 million euros
Sales > 1.5 million eurosTrinidat breaks another record – sales rise above 1.5 million euros.
Consolidation2013 is a year of consolidation for trinidat. Experiences from the previous year are being processed, and new organizational structures are being created.
Project highlight
Project highlightIn the 2nd HY the first project starts with 5 team members. We help a customer whose software must be completed by the end of the year.
Training company
Training companyTriniDat becomes a training company. An IT specialist for application development starts his apprenticeship, later successfully completes it and is taken on.
> 20 employees
> 20 employeesTrinidat continues to grow, employing more than 20 people for the first time.
Sales > 1 million euros
Sales > 1 million eurosTrinidat breaks a new record – sales rise above 1 million euros.
> 10 employees
> 10 employeesTrinidat reaches double digits, employing more than 10 people for the first time.
Crisis New Market
Crisis New MarketThe collapse of the “Neuer Markt” hits TriniDat hard, the company has to fight – and manages to turn things around. Since then, annual sales have remained constant or increased.
trinidat makes .NET
trinidat makes .NETGo-Live of the first web application created by trinidat with .NET.
Company formation
Company formationOn May 20, 1997, TriniDat Software-Entwicklung GmbH is founded. The company is headquartered at Am Wehrhahn 45, 40211 Düsseldorf.
Book publication
Book publicationPublication of the first Access book by authors Christoph Spielmann and Manfred Hoffbauer.
Get to know
Get to knowChristoph Spielmann and Manfred Hoffbauer get to know each other at an introductory event at the UNI-GH Essen.
Contact us today...
... and start digitizing your processes and products with a free initial consultation.