Sunny Design

Sunny Design:

The high-end planner for solar systems.

Online product configurator for efficient solar system planning
The high-end planner for solar systems.



in 18 countries

more than 3,000

trinidat customer:
since 2010

The company

SMA Technology AG, headquartered in Niestetal, Hesse, is a global leader in photovoltaic system technology. More than 3,000 employees in 18 countries are dedicated to the decentralized, digital and renewable energy supply of today and tomorrow. Especially for providers of commercially used PV systems, SMA is the world’s number 1 when it comes to inverters. These convert the direct current generated from solar energy into usable alternating current for buildings, factories or large solar power plants. When planning a photovoltaic system, the following applies: The better all planning criteria are coordinated, the higher the energy yield.

The task

Configure complex products easily: The Sunny Design PV design software from SMA offers intelligent, web-based software for planning sophisticated solar systems. Since 2010, trinidat has taken over the development of the high-quality software and, together with SMA, has continued to develop it ever since. After the original version was designed as a desktop application, SMA commissioned trinidat to program a modern, intuitive configurator as a web application. trinidat won the race not only because of the many excellent reference projects. The expertise in the required technologies, such as Microsoft ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS, also convinced SMA to award the contract to trinidat.

The goals:

  • Tailor-made white label solution with flexible range of functions
  • Intelligent and easy-to-use planning tool for customers and interested parties
  • User-friendly and comprehensive product configurator for planning solar systems
The task Hintergrundgrafik
The challenge

The challenge

Planning solar installations is complex. A whole range of factors need to be considered and factored in – for example, the site conditions and sunshine duration or the correct electrical connections and compliance with various international standards. In order to develop a user-friendly and intuitive configurator, an intelligent control system is needed that guides the user step-by-step through the digital plant specifications. In order for the configurator to be able to map the entire planning process, project management, a cost-benefit calculator including an economic efficiency forecast, and comprehensive documentation should be included in the software’s functional scope.

The challenge Hintergrundgrafik

The solution

Together with Sunny Design, trinidat designed and developed an individual web application as a white-label solution with an unlimited number of licenses and an unlimited period of use. The product configurator with extensive planning options was created in several stages, during which the web application was programmed and the SMA library CalcLib was integrated. The trinidat team also placed particular emphasis on pixel-precise mapping of the UX specifications for the web application. Thus, the GUI of the Sunny Design software meets the requirements of SMA’s corporate design.

The success of the software development is also based on the close cooperation between trinidat and SMA. For example, the SMA employee who coded the energy calculation formula was seamlessly integrated into the trinidat programming team. At the same time, trinidat adapted the project and test management to SMA’s corporate processes. trinidat Managing Director Manfred Hoffbauer acts as project manager – and has been further developing the configurator for years with his well-established core team.

Create project documentation directly in the application
The solution


  • Sales tool:
    Intuitively operable configurator promotes sales and increases the efficiency of sales at SMA and at sales partners

  • Guided Selling:
    Plant planners can plan energetically and economically optimally aligned solar plants. Incorrect designs are avoided and all legal requirements are met.

  • Limitless availability:
    The high-end solar system planner runs stable, fast and is accessible 24/7 from any location via computer, tablet and smartphone

» The Sunny Design planning tool gives us a real advantage over our competitors. trinidat implements our high demands on the software extraordinarily quickly and well. This benefits our customers in particular, who can plan PV systems efficiently and reliably. «
Dr. Thomas Straub,
Senior Product Manager at SMA
Dr. Thomas Straub

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