dreipunktdrei mediengesellschaft mbh (3P3)
FILMDIENST has been providing reviews of all German movie releases on behalf of the Catholic Church since 1947. Reviews are also written for a selection of award-winning DVDs and films on free TV. The Catholic Film Commission for Germany is the publisher of FILMDIENST. It is administered by three editors. In writing the reviews, the editors are supported at regular intervals by another 60 authors.
Film database
trinidat has been working with dreipunktdrei mediengesellschaft mbh (3P3) for more than 20 years. The film database developed by trinidat at the beginning has been continuously enhanced. The historically grown database is 3P3’s treasure chest, containing all film data such as film reviews, actors, directors, images and other data. With the data of selected cinema and home cinema reviews, television tips and also background articles, interviews and news about cinema and film culture were printed publications for the magazine FILMDIENST. This magazine was regularly delivered to subscribers in printed form for 70 years. However, since “digitization” also became a topic at 3P3, in the future the magazine FILMDIENST should be available in digital form as “FILMDIENST Digital” on the website www.filmdienst.de.
For this purpose, the “FILMDIENST Digital” was developed by trinidat. All film data, personal data, film culture and the current short and long reviews of 3P3 can be viewed free of charge by all users via the website. With the annual subscription FILMDIENST PLUS, a subscriber to “FILMDIENST Digital” receives additional special features. These include even deeper insights into historical film data, short and long reviews, and access to the film archive, cinOmat.
But editors should not miss out on the innovations either. A web application with a user-friendly interface will make it easier for editors to maintain film data and reviews. Special attention is paid to the function of ensuring consistent data. For example, people can appear under different artist names. The resulting data records can also be merged into one data record at a later date. This ensures high data quality.
FILMDIENST Digital – Content-Management-System
The icing on the cake, however, is provided by the CMS (Content Management System) that has been developed, which can be used to create, prepare and release publications for “FILMDIENST Digital”. Using the CMS, editors can effortlessly compile a publication from existing film data, reviews and film culture and publish it at a desired time. This reduces the effort required to create these publications and saves time.
- Microsoft .NET, C#
- Microsoft SQL-Server