item Industrietechnik GmbH
item Motion Soft
item Industrietechnik GmbH is a pioneer and global market leader in modular systems for industrial applications. In addition to the classic modular system kits, item offers automation systems consisting of a linear unit, gearbox and motor.
trinidat has developed a Windows desktop program for item to commission the linear units. Where previously a specially trained expert was required for commissioning, customers can now carry out this step themselves with “item Motion Soft”. The program either determines the required parameters itself or guides the user through the necessary steps via wizards. The necessary knowledge about linking and validating the parameters to be set is stored in the software, and the so-called motion program can be edited using a graphical editor similar to a program flow chart. The software greatly increases the benefit of the purchased hardware for the customer.
Technologies at Motion Soft:
Microsoft .NET, C#
item Motion Designer
The “item Motion Designer” is an application for designing linear units. Via an easy-to-use interface, the user configures the parameters for using the linear unit, namely the installation position, special ambient conditions and the so-called travel program, which maps the movements of the linear unit. A complex calculation program then determines the optimal combination of linear unit, motor and controller. The software is freely available on the Internet: item Motion Designer.
Technologies at Motion Designer: