Revenue Recognition
Mobilcom-Debitel is one of the largest network-independent mobile communications providers in Germany. trinidat has developed software for the company to balance mobile communications contracts. Data is imported monthly from a data warehouse via an interface and validated using a complex set of rules; in parallel, an amortization schedule is created for each contract. The aggregated data of the redemption schedules of all contracts are posted to different accounts of SAP FI.
The particular challenge of this project was that more than 2 million mobile contracts, each with 24 payment periods, had to be calculated within just 2 hours. This requirement was achieved through massive parallel processing – the application is run on a server with 16 CPU cores, and 64 processes run in parallel during processing. A Microsoft SQL server is used for data storage, the data volume is more than 100 GB.
Microsoft .NET, C# und ASP.NET
Microsoft SQL-Server