Weber GmbH & Co. KG
Order management
The waste garbage cans & containers Weber GmbH & Co. KG is one of the leading manufacturers of waste garbage cans and waste containers. The large waste containers are suitable for a wide variety of selective waste disposal and are available in all common sizes and designs for public institutions, waste disposal companies, industry and private households.
trinidat developed an order management system individually for the company. Previously, Weber had been using an order management system developed with Cobol; workflows and business processes were satisfactory. COBOL is a programming language that dates back to the early days of computer development and has increasingly given way to more modern programming languages; there are fewer and fewer developers who have mastered the language. Further development of the software would therefore have been difficult. Using standard software, on the other hand, would have meant abandoning the tried and true and changing a lot of things. Weber decided to rely on forward-looking technologies instead and commissioned trinidat to completely redevelop the order management system according to precise specifications using technologies from Microsoft.
Technologies for order management:
Microsoft ASP.Net MVC
Microsoft SQL-Server
trinidat has developed the RFID tool to support the workflow at Weber as a Windows desktop application. The task of the software is that RFID codes of produced items are logged in a file via an RFID scanner. In this way, a final inspection of produced goods can be carried out.
Technologies for the RFID tool: