What software developers can learn from rugby

Veröffentlicht am 08.07.2021

Rugby is sometimes hard and rough. In a scrum, the teams compete for the ball. Only good organization and efficient division of labor lead to success here. This image can also be applied to project management in software development.

For in agile project management, the so-called Scrum model has proven to be particularly successful. How exactly does Scrum work and what are the major advantages of this method? In our wiki article https://www.trinidat.de/software-wiki/mit-agilem-projektmanagement-zur-perfekten-software/ we show how Scrum helps to plan time, costs and personnel efficiently and to manage sub-projects flexibly.

By the way: We at TriniDat have been using agile project management for many years and use the Scrum method to plan all requirements for a software development project.

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