Step by step to the first app
When you think of creating apps, you immediately think of complex programming, various programming languages, and an overabundance of complicated code. But there’s no need to shy away from all that when developing PowerApps. With PowerApps, Microsoft has provided an application that allows even non-programmers to quickly and easily create apps using a construction kit. The differentiation into the various platforms, such as iOS or Android, is not necessary when developing PowerApps. However, the apps created with PowerApps are not made available in one of the app stores as usual, but can only be released internally within the company for users in the same organization.
What requirements are necessary for the creation and use of PowerApps, how easy the creation of a first app actually is and what the result of the test app looks like will be shown in the following article.
Requirements - What is needed?
A Microsoft Office 365 account is required to create and use Microsoft PowerApps. PowerApps are developed using the PowerApp Studio application, which requires an Internet connection and a browser.
Accessing the finished PowerApps via an end device, such as a smartphone or tablet, requires the installation of the container app PowerApps. For Apple devices, this app is available as usual in the iTunes Store and for Android devices in the Google Play Store.
After installing the app, the next step includes the user logging in to it with their MS Office 365 account. After that, all apps of the organization that are shared with the user are displayed in the container app. If the user taps on one of the apps, it is opened regardless of the platform of the end device and can be used by the user.
Creating the first PowerApp - Hello World
After the prerequisites have been created, the creation of the test app “HalloWelt” can be started via the “PowerApps Studio” application. For this purpose, a new empty app is created for the desired device type (smartphone or tablet). The test app should allow the input of a text, which will be output directly on the screen.
Using the menu item insert can be various elements added to a screen. For the input of a text the element Text Input is required. The display of text is made possible by the element Label . Each element added is automatically given a name that can be used to access an element. In the test app, these are for the element Text Input = Text Input1 and for the element Label = Label 1. On the screen, the elements can now be arranged under each other by drag&drop and aligned as desired.
Clicking on an element opens its properties in the right-hand area of the screen. For the label Label1 should be defined an extended property to play the entered text from the element text input on the screen. For this purpose, the name TextInput1 must be stored in the data for Text .
The result of the test app "HalloWelt
After the property is added and the app is saved and published, a preview of the app (F5) can be displayed in the browser [see video clip].
Following this, the app must be shared with users in the same organization so that they can open the app from their device. This can be done via the menu item File>Save>Share this app.
On a terminal device, the “PowerApps” app must be launched. A list of apps from the organization that are shared with the logged in user will be displayed. The click on Update performs an update of the list and also the contents of the apps. The created test app “HalloWelt” is now included in the list.
Clicking on the app “HalloWelt” starts it. If you tap on the text field, the standard keyboard of the end device opens and you can enter a manual text. The entered text appears, as defined in the properties for the label, directly in the defined label.
If one wants to close the app, this can be done via the Back buttons of the device. The list of apps is now displayed again.
Conclusion - PowerApps
The MS PowerApps application can be used by Office 365 users free of charge. Once the settings for PowerApps have been made, nothing stands in the way of creating and using them. The actual development of PowerApps proves to be very simple. Basic knowledge of programming is certainly helpful, but not required. For help, tricks and instructions, the Microsoft documentation for Power Apps is available. Here the first steps are explained but also guidance for more complex functions and the connection of interfaces.
With the “learning by doing” approach and constant tinkering and testing, apps can be created in no time by non-programmers. Regardless of the platform of an end device, the apps can be launched and used on any device. Since the apps developed can only be used in an organization, they are only suitable as enterprise apps or for prototypes with simple functions.
PowerApps | https://powerapps.microsoft.com/de-de/ |
MS Office 365 | https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/microsoft-365 |
PowerApp Studio | https://powerapps.microsoft.com/de-de/landing/developer-plan/ |
iTunesStore – PowerApps | https://apps.apple.com/de/app/powerapps/id1047318566 |
Google Play Store – PowerApps | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.msapps&hl=de |
MS-Documentation – PowerApps | https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/power-apps/ |